Innisfree Jeju Volcanic Pore Cleansing Foam Review

I was introduced to the Jeju Volcanic Pore Cleansing Foam after purchasing Innisfree’s clarisonic like machine during my internship in Hong Kong early of 2016. It was a gift with purchased in Innisfree Hong Kong, and i believe back then they haven’t had Innisfree in Singapore or Indonesia yet. My skin condition wasn’t the best due to the crazy weather conditions as well as my long working conditions, which meant i wore make up longer then i usually do. Undeniably, the “Jeju Volcanic Pore” is one of Innisfree’s most iconic product line due to its products having small particles that are known as Volcanic ashes that helps purify pores. It’s clay mask could be the most famous out of all products.

UntitledJeju Volcanic Pore Cleansing Foam, 150 ML

This product i was using exclusively at night with the Innisfree’s “Clarisonic”, after first getting rid of my make up with The Face Shop Rice Water Bright Light Cleansing Oil as a double cleanse method. Although I mentioned that there are small particles to help cleanse, it is not an exfoliating cleanser therefor is it extremely harsh like many exfoliating cleansers. It can be very drying as it strips most of your sebum out of your skin, so be ready to moisturise! The drying aspect is why i only use it at night. I haven’t had any bad reactions to this product although it broke my mother out, to be fair it doesn’t not claim to be non comedogenic. Currently, I am on my third bottle since then as one bottle would last me approximately 6 months. As i have not had any bad reactions, I will keep using it until i find a better cleanser.

Size: 150 ML & 300 ML
Retail price (Singapore): SGD$10 for 150ML, SGD$20 for 300ML
Always check with online stores to see if they have discounts if you can wait for the product to arrive.
For Singapore based online stores, i recommend:

For overseas online stores:

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